This Privacy Notice is designed to inform you about our practices concerning the treatment of the information that you could provide to us through this website or that we could gain by your use of this site.
“Anfitriones Nacionales APR, S.A. de C.V.” (hereinafter jointly designed as the “Company”), located at Pico de Verapaz 435 PB, Jardines de la Montaña, 14210, Mexico City, will protect and safeguard your personal data in order to avoid damage, destruction, theft, misplacement, disturbance and non-authorized treatment.
What kind of information do we gather?
During the gathering and treatment of personal data, we comply with the principles that the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares) establishes: lawfulness, quality, consent, information, finality, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility. The personal data that you provide to the Company will be treated with the following purposes.
For what kind of purposes do we use your information?
We use the personal data that we gather, in order to fulfill the following purposes:
- To send you an economic proposal for the requested services.
- To comply the requirements of federal and local authorities.
We inform you that, in a 5 business days term after you gave your consent to this Privacy Notice, you will be able to oppose the treatment of your personal data. In this case, your personal data will be placed in an Exclusion List, which only authorized people by the Company will have access to. In case you necessitate more information, you could demand it by sending a written request to our office located at Pico de Verapaz 435 PB, Jardines de la Montaña, 14210, Mexico City, or to the following email address:, addressed to Leticia Gómez.
With whom do we share your information?
The Company will be able to transfer your personal data to any of our parent companies and/or subsidiaries companies and/or third parties, that could be either national or foreign, that by the nature of their work or functions may have the necessity to treat or use your personal data, with the only purpose to fulfill the obligations that derive from a legal relationship between the holder of the personal data and the companies indicated above, unless the holders specifically oppose to the treatment of their personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.
Every third party that might receive the transference mentioned before, express their consent and agrees to comply in accordance of this Privacy Notice. Moreover, the Company shall share personal data with the federal and local authorities, in order to comply the requirements and the obligations established in the law.
What kind of security and control measures do we use in order to protect your personal data?
The Company uses administrative, technic and physical measures in order to protect your personal data. Furthermore, we demand to our services providers to use the same measures, even to the services provided by our subsidiaries companies.
How can you limit the use or the release of your personal data?
You can address the Company in case you desire to limit the use or the release of your personal data, conducive to stop receiving offers, promotions and advertisements of our products and services by sending a request to the “Data Privacy” department to the following email address
How can you exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the treatment of your personal data and revoke your consent?
As holder of your personal data, you can exercise your ARCO Rights (access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the treatment of your personal data), or else, revoke your consent delivered to the Company for your personal data treatment by sending a request to the “Data Privacy” department through the next email address:; by attending our Client Support department in any of our offices; or by making a written request in our office located in Pico de Verapaz 435 PB, Jardines de la Montaña, 14210, Mexico City.
Any application in connection with the exercise of your rights, must contain the following: (a) name, signature and domicile for response; (b) document that certify your identity or your legal representative’s; (c) a precise and clear description of the personal data on which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition want to be exercised of, regarding the treatment of such personal data; (d) the desire to revoke your consent to the treatment of your personal data; and (e) any other element or document that makes easier the localization of such personal data.
Once the request is filed, the “Data Privacy” department in a 20 business days term after the request was received, will deliver the proper response. In case of needing more information and/or documentation, the “Data Privacy” department will require you within 5 days after the request was received, so that you will have 10 business days to fulfill the requirement. Otherwise, your request shall be deemed not to have been submitted. If necessary, the terms stablished before can be extended only once and it must be notified by the contact means, specifying the reasons of the extension, in accordance with the article 32 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.
The exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the treatment of your personal data is free of charge, as the reproduction or the delivery by email.
Amendments to the Privacy Notice. In case of an amendment or modification to this Privacy Notice, the Company will make it of your knowledge through this website.
Last amendment made: 29/06/2015